Waterford Kamhlaba - Reisverslag uit Mbabane, Swaziland van Laura Montoya Pelaez - WaarBenJij.nu Waterford Kamhlaba - Reisverslag uit Mbabane, Swaziland van Laura Montoya Pelaez - WaarBenJij.nu

Waterford Kamhlaba

Door: Laura Montoya Pelaez

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Laura

18 September 2013 | Swaziland, Mbabane


I’ve been here in Soutern Africa for nearly two weeks now and I’m still overwhelmed by all these new impressions every day again and again.
First of all I got to spend time with family friends, Sahm and the Ward family. It is very special how you can just meet a person once or twice before and still feel so comfortable around them, as if they are true family to you. Some of the conversations I had during my brief stay in Joburg, remind me of conversations I have with people I know for years and years... It is a great feeling to have several ‘ homes’ in a country that is still so unknown and new to me.

The bustrip from Joburg to Swaziland was quite long, about 5 hours. But I enjoyed watching the landscapes passing by my window. I can try to describe the landscape by stating it was beautiful, wonderful, lovely etc. but even those words do not make a righteous description of the actual landscape I drove through. Everything was just so new to me: the long flat fields of dry yellow grass, the yellow dusty sand which would change its colour into a deep red terracotta kind of sand, big tall trees on either side of the road, the fabulous smell of burnt grass and wood. When we were approaching the border of Swaziland the long flat stretches suddenly changed into little baby mountains, when we crossed the border the mountains grew into steady adult mountains. They were breathtaking, really.

I’m beginning to settle as being a volunteer at the Waterford Kamhlaba, United World Colleges. Until now I have mainly done cover work, which means I had to cover lessons of teachers that were absent. I really enjoy doing this! The teacher who is absent will always make sure that the lesson can be taught by anyone (so basically handing out a worksheet and making sure the students are set to work and remain quiet).
I’ve been meeting new people everyday, the staff members are very nice and all the students are very open (and some actually very curious) to new people. I get along very well with the two other volunteers with whom I share the volunteer cottage. The rooms are quite nice, and we even have our own bathroom!

The weather here is very silly yet funny. When I wake up I peek through the curtains to see what the weather is like. This morning, for instance, it was very misty and seemed quite cold. So I dress according to this weather. However, two hours later I find myself sweating and hot in my long sleeved shirt and jeans. Sometimes I have to change my outfit three times a day, but I have nothing to whine about because it’s absolutely amazing here :)

I’ve been to Mbabane, the capital of Swaziland, three times. It’s only a thirty minute drive from the campus, but it feels like less because you can actually see the city from the top of the mountain where the school is located. Perhaps it also feels like less because I still look out of my window every time, to indulge in all the new images that I want to put in my head. The city is by far not as big as Rotterdam, but that doesn’t make it less likable. The people are very kind and the shops are quite nice.

I’m really really happy to be here!
It still is a very special feeling that I am literally tracing some footsteps of my parents :)

Lots of Love,


  • 18 September 2013 - 08:54


    Haaaaii Laura,

    Zo vet om te lezen! Zoals je het beschrijft is het niet eens in woorden uit te drukken zo mooi. Maak je ook foto's?
    Wat voor lessen geeft je dan? Engelse lessen of gewoon van alles wat?
    Ik wens je nog veel meel plezier en ervaring in dat verre Afrika. Denk aan je!!

    Liefs Cin

  • 18 September 2013 - 09:32


    Heee lieve Laura!
    Wat een super leuk verhaal. Ben echt blij dat je t zo leuk heb daar. Je bent zojuist ook verliefd geworden op Afrika zo te horen :)

    Geniet ervan!! Heel veel liefs,


  • 18 September 2013 - 09:49


    Ahh Lautje, het klinkt echt prachtig!! Ik ben zo benieuwd naar de rest van je avontuurtjes! Echt heerlijk om te lezen dit (: Enjoy, looooots of love, hugs & kisses! X ash

  • 18 September 2013 - 10:10


    LAUUUU, aaaah klinkt zo fantastisch allemaal! geniet er van en ik ga je blog zeker volgen echt leukkkk!!! lobbieeeeees vanuit het kikkerlandje naaaar het verre, mooie Afrika X Niki

  • 18 September 2013 - 18:29


    Liiieeeeve Lau,
    Wat super leuk dat we je zo kunnen volgen!
    Je maakt me wel een beetje jaloers hoor ;p
    Nog heel veel plezier en ik kan niet wachten op de volgende update!
    Kusjes from Btown!

  • 22 September 2013 - 14:21


    Heee lieve Lau,
    Het klinkt echt super allemaal! Ben stiekem een beetje jaloers op je haha.
    Geniet er lekker van!
    Dikke kus en knuffels

  • 24 September 2013 - 20:51


    Mooooi geschreven lieve Lau, heel fijn om te lezen!
    Ik kan me precies voorstellen hoe je je voelt, reizen opent niet alleen je ogen maar ook je hart...
    Ik kan nu echt niet meer wachten om te kunnen gaan reizen...
    “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
    Enjoy every moment of it :)

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Actief sinds 03 Sept. 2013
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Totaal aantal bezoekers 8222

Voorgaande reizen:

04 September 2013 - 19 Februari 2014

Southern Africa

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