Preparations for Mozambique - Reisverslag uit Mbabane, Swaziland van Laura Montoya Pelaez - Preparations for Mozambique - Reisverslag uit Mbabane, Swaziland van Laura Montoya Pelaez -

Preparations for Mozambique

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Laura

24 September 2013 | Swaziland, Mbabane

A couple of days ago, Mokgari (she’s one of the volunteers) and I were just chatting during breaktime, when suddenly a teacher came up to us with a very serious expression on his face, he said he wanted a word with us. As former student, my first thought was: “Oh Gosh, what have I done wrong?” Turns out the teacher was the Head of Sport and wanted to ask us if Mokgari and I were willing to go to Mozambique the weekend of the 27th. There’s a tournament for soccer and volleybal in Maputo and he wanted us to be the coaches for the women teams. I wanted to scream with happiness! Of course I am willing to go to Mozambique! Even for just a weekend, the experience is what counts for me :)
I immediately told my mother’s side of the family as they lived in Maputo for quite some time, they were all very excited for me ;)

The Head of Sport said that with a Dutch passport I probably need a visa for Mozambique, so he said: “Tomorrow first thing in the morning I need your passport, the form for the visa and two passport photos.” I was taken by surprise, did I have time to sort all this out before tomorrow morning? Luckily we didn’t have much coverwork that day so Mokgari and I could go to Mbabane to get some passport photos taken.

The man at the counter of the photoshop asked me how many photos I wanted, I said that 4 photos would be enough. I paid him 25 Emalangeni (about 2 euro) and I expected him to call me to the back of the shop where there would be some professional photobooth where I could take the photo. Wrong expectation... He said: “Sisi, please come and stand here.” He placed me in front of a white wall and one of the female employees took a photo of me with a cheap handy cam. No counter light, no shade, no contrast, just the white wall and the cheap handy cam. I felt like I was the only one who found this a bit odd and when I told other students about this, they just replied with: "Welcome to Africa." I realise now that in Africa things are handled differently than in the Western world. To look at it differently, things are much more efficiently done. Why buy a super expensive photobooth when you also can have a white wall for free?

When I got the photos we walked around town for about half an hour because the bus wouldn’t leave until then. We walked and talked, went in and out some shops, when suddenly an older guy grabbed my arm firmly, looked me in the eyes and grunted something similar to how I suspect the neanderthals used to converse. I was caught off guard for a bit, but I just carried on walking and asked Mokgari what that was all about? We laughed (I laughed nervously, she laughed chill) and she said that the people here like white people a lot and said: “At least he didn’t say anything nasty.” Then we continued to laugh some more.

Last friday I lived in the illusion that my phone was stolen for two entire days! I went to a house party of one of the Dutch students and I left my phone out of my sight for just 10 minutes. Next thing I knew, it wasn't there anymore. I was devastated... I had only been here for two weeks, and already something got stolen! I could not believe it.
What I didn't realise is that the Waterford students live like a community together, someone found my phone deserted in a room and thought someone must have lost it. He decided to take it with him, but then completely forgot about the fact he had someone's phone in his bag.
I'm so grateful I got it back in the end ;) (and i WILL be even more carefull with my stuff anyways)

Lots of Love,


  • 25 September 2013 - 15:27



    Lauuu wat super leuk dat je naar Mozambique gaat! Echt heel cool :)
    Ik ben heel blij dat je het zo fijn hebt daar en dat je gewoon mee wordt gevraagd naar Mozambique!!
    Maar ik mis je wel :(


  • 27 September 2013 - 20:10


    Ha Laura! Als je dit leest ben je waarschijnlijk al onderweg naar Mozambique! Cooooool!!!
    Wij zijn blij voor je maar ook wel een beetje jaloers... )-: een beetje maar hoor!
    Geniet maar lekker en veel kusjes en hugs,
    Christien, Tobie, Andrea en Reuben

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Actief sinds 03 Sept. 2013
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Totaal aantal bezoekers 8222

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04 September 2013 - 19 Februari 2014

Southern Africa

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